Son kez ben o kodu geliştirilen, soo burada i kullanmak sürümü: kodunuzda fonksiyon whichCamera doğrudan arayıp specefic hangi kamera "kullanıcı ", 'çevre' veya 'bilgisayar arka kamera ''' dan video çekmek için facingMode '= 'çevre' benim Samsung S8 Chrome'da bir bilgisayar koşuyoruz ise)
// whichCamera(Type)
// For smartphone or tablet :
// Start the type={user,environment} camera.
// For computer it's simple :
// type = "computer".
var streamSrc, cameraType;
function whichCamera(type){
var cameraFacing;
cameraType = type;
if(type == "user")
cameraFacing = 0;
else if(type == "environment")
cameraFacing = 1;
else if(type == "computer"){
cameraFacing = 2;
console.log(type+" index : "+cameraFacing);
// Here we list all media devices, in order to choose between
// the front and the rear camera.
// videoDevices[0] : user Camera
// videoDevices[1] : environment Camera
// Then set the video resolution.
.then(devices => {
var videoDevices, videoDeviceIndex, constraints;
// Initialize the array wich will contain all video resources IDs.
// Most of devices have two video resources (Front & Rear Camera).
videoDevices = [0,0];
// Simple index to browse the videa resources array (videoDevices).
videoDeviceIndex = 0;
// devices.forEach(), this function will detect all media resources (Audio, Video) of the device
// where we run the application.
devices.forEach(function(device) {
console.log(device.kind + ": " + device.label +
" id = " + device.deviceId);
// If the kind of the media resource is video,
if (device.kind == "videoinput") {
// then we save it on the array videoDevices.
videoDevices[videoDeviceIndex++] = device.deviceId;
console.log(device.deviceId+" = "+videoDevices[videoDeviceIndex-1]);
console.log("Camera facing ="+cameraFacing+" ID = "+videoDevices[videoDeviceIndex-1]);
// Here we specified which camera we start,
// videoDevices[0] : Front Camera
// videoDevices[1] : Back Camera
if(cameraFacing != "computer"){
constraints = { deviceId: { exact: videoDevices[cameraFacing] }};
return navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ video:
width: { min: 1280, ideal: 1600, max: 1920 },
height: { min: 720, ideal: 1200, max: 1080 }
return navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ video: true });
// Then we retrieve the link to the video stream.
.then(stream => {
if (window.webkitURL) {
video.src = window.webkitURL.createObjectURL(stream);
localMediaStream = stream;
console.log(localMediaStream +" = "+ stream)
} else if (video.mozSrcObject !== undefined) {
video.mozSrcObject = stream;
console.log(video.mozSrcObject +" = "+ stream)
} else if (video.srcObject !== undefined) {
video.srcObject = stream;
console.log(video.srcObject +" = "+ stream)
} else {
video.src = stream;
console.log(video.src +" = "+ stream)
streamSrc = stream;
.catch(e => console.error(e));
Kinlan ben beta sürümünü (google chrome) denedik ve harika işler: ref
, Umarım son sürümü bu tarayıcıyı güncellemek için yakında bu ipucu için teşekkürler. – raranibarGetSources'in artık kullanımdan kaldırıldığını unutmayın. – Brad
Evet, bunu güncellemem gerek. – Kinlan