2012-05-01 4 views

Üzgünüz, başlık yeterince açık değil. Nasıl ifade edeceğimi bilmiyorum, ama burada görüntü her şeyi söylüyor.Android'de, ekranı değiştirmek için ekranı kaydırmak istediğinizde, her iki ekranda da bir animasyonun nasıl gösterileceği

Google Reader Uygulamasında, kullananlar mevcut gönderi üzerinde sola veya sağa kaydırırsa, ilk mesajın ilerledikçe ilk yayının dışarı çıktığını göreceklerdir. Bu güzel bir etkidir, ancak nasıl uygulanacağı konusunda hiçbir fikrim yok. o.

Herhangi bir fikrin var mı?

enter image description here


<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" 
android:orientation="vertical" > 

    android:layout_height="match_parent" /> 


public class ReadRawActivity extends Activity { 

    private ViewPager awesomePager; 
    private static int NUM_AWESOME_VIEWS = 3; 
    private static Context cxt; 
    private AwesomePagerAdapter awesomeAdapter; 

    /** Called when the activity is first created. */ 
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { 

    cxt = ReadRawActivity.this; 

    awesomeAdapter = new AwesomePagerAdapter(); 
    awesomePager = (ViewPager) findViewById(R.id.awesomepager); 

private class AwesomePagerAdapter extends PagerAdapter{ 

      public int getCount() { 
        return NUM_AWESOME_VIEWS; 

     * Create the page for the given position. The adapter is responsible 
     * for adding the view to the container given here, although it only 
     * must ensure this is done by the time it returns from 
     * {@link #finishUpdate()}. 
     * @param container The containing View in which the page will be shown. 
     * @param position The page position to be instantiated. 
     * @return Returns an Object representing the new page. This does not 
     * need to be a View, but can be some other container of the page. 
      public Object instantiateItem(View collection, int position) { 
        TextView tv = new TextView(cxt); 
        tv.setText("View Pager" + position); 

        ((ViewPager) collection).addView(tv,0); 

        return tv; 

     * Remove a page for the given position. The adapter is responsible 
     * for removing the view from its container, although it only must ensure 
     * this is done by the time it returns from {@link #finishUpdate()}. 
     * @param container The containing View from which the page will be removed. 
     * @param position The page position to be removed. 
     * @param object The same object that was returned by 
     * {@link #instantiateItem(View, int)}. 
      public void destroyItem(View collection, int position, Object view) { 
        ((ViewPager) collection).removeView((TextView) view); 

      public boolean isViewFromObject(View view, Object object) { 
        return view==((TextView)object); 

     * Called when the a change in the shown pages has been completed. At this 
     * point you must ensure that all of the pages have actually been added or 
     * removed from the container as appropriate. 
     * @param container The containing View which is displaying this adapter's 
     * page views. 
      public void finishUpdate(View arg0) {} 

      public void restoreState(Parcelable arg0, ClassLoader arg1) {} 

      public Parcelable saveState() { 
        return null; 

      public void startUpdate(View arg0) {} 

