Sen çalışması gerekir
for (int i = 0; i < employeeCount; i++)
TableItem item;
Button radio;
TableEditor editor;
item = new TableItem(table, SWT.NO_FOCUS);
item.setText(0, employees[i]); //Let's assume you have an array of employees' names
radio = new Button(table, SWT.RADIO);
//TODO: setup your radiobutton here (text, behavior, etc.)
editor = new TableEditor(table);
editor.setEditor(radio, item, 1); //1 is the column index (excellent)
radio = new Button(table, SWT.RADIO);
//TODO: setup your radiobutton here (text, behavior, etc.)
editor = new TableEditor(table);
editor.setEditor(radio, item, 2); //2 is the column index (good)
radio = new Button(table, SWT.RADIO);
//TODO: setup your radiobutton here (name, text, behavior, etc.)
editor = new TableEditor(table);
editor.setEditor(radio, item, 3); //3 is the column index (average)
radio = new Button(table, SWT.RADIO);
//TODO: setup your radiobutton here (text, behavior, etc.)
editor = new TableEditor(table);
editor.setEditor(radio, item, 4); //4 is the column index (poor)
Sütun 0 hariç, tablonuzda sahip her sütun/satır için RadioButton eklemek gerekir.
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