İşte aradığınızı düşündüğüm, tekrarlanabilir bir örnek var mı?
'un RSI'si 60'ın altına düşerse ve RSI'nin 70'in üzerine çıkarsa tüm uzun pozisyondan çıkarsa, strateji uzun bir pozisyona girer. Uzun pozisyonun olabileceği maksimum ünite sayısı 1000 birimdir.
kodundaki kodunuzda, atladığım bazı hatalı/yedek kodlar var. Bu, (bence) istediğiniz şeyi yapan temiz bir minimum sipariş boyutlandırma işlevidir. Ayrıca
, sadece bir ipucu: Bu büyük simulasyonlarda gereksiz ekstra hesaplama zamanı katacak gibi, söz konusu sembolün geçerli hisseleri üzerinden işlem için, her uzun girişteki updateAcct
ve updateEndEq
aramaya gerek yoktur.
osInvestAll <- function (data, timestamp, orderqty, ordertype, orderside, equity, portfolio, symbol, ruletype, ..., initEq) {
datePos <- format(timestamp,"%Y-%m-%d")
updatePortf(Portfolio=portfolio,Symbol=symbol,Dates=paste0(start(data), "/", datePos))
# After updating portfolio profit, we can extract the Net.Trading.PL earned up to datePos.
trading_pl <- sum(.getPortfolio(portfolio)$summary$Net.Trading.PL)
# The total equity in the strategy for this symbol (and this symbol only in isolation always, as this is how quantstrat by default works with applyStrategy)
equity <- initEq + trading_pl
ClosePrice <- getPrice(data, prefer = "Close")[datePos]
UnitSize <- as.numeric(trunc(0.25 * equity/ClosePrice))
UnitSize <- osMaxPos(data, timestamp, UnitSize, ordertype, orderside, portfolio, symbol, ruletype, digits=0)
strategy.st <- "RSI"
stratRSI <- strategy(strategy.st, store = TRUE)
add.indicator(strategy = strategy.st, name = "RSI", arguments = list(price = quote(getPrice(mktdata))), label="RSI")
add.signal(strategy = strategy.st, name="sigThreshold",arguments = list(threshold=70, column="RSI",relationship="gt", cross=TRUE),label="RSI.gt.70")
add.signal(strategy = strategy.st, name="sigThreshold",arguments = list(threshold=60, column="RSI",relationship="lt",cross=TRUE),label="RSI.lt.60")
add.rule(strategy = strategy.st, name='ruleSignal', arguments = list(sigcol="RSI.lt.60", sigval=TRUE, orderqty= 100, TxnFees=0, ordertype='market', orderside='long', pricemethod='market', replace=FALSE, osFUN=osInvestAll), type='enter', path.dep=TRUE)
add.rule(strategy = strategy.st, name='ruleSignal', arguments = list(sigcol="RSI.gt.70", sigval=TRUE, orderqty='all', TxnFees=0, ordertype='market', orderside='long', pricemethod='market', replace=FALSE), type='exit', path.dep=TRUE)
symbols = c("SPY")
stock.str = symbols
startDate <- "1987-01-01"
fp.sym <- paste0("storage/", stock.str, ".rds")
if (file.exists(fp.sym)) {
assign(x = stock.str, value = readRDS(fp.sym), envir = .GlobalEnv)
} else {
#stop("On disk saved")
getSymbols(stock.str,from=startDate, to= Sys.Date())
#getSymbols(stock.str,from=startDate, to= Sys.Date())
for(symbol in symbols){
stock(symbol, currency="USD",multiplier=1)
SPY <- SPY["2015/"]
initPortf(port.st, symbols=symbols)
initAcct(port.st, portfolios=port.st, initEq=initEq)
# Must add maxpos:
for(symbol in symbols){ addPosLimit(port.st, symbol, timestamp = startDate, maxpos = 1000) }
applyStrategy(strategy=strategy.st, portfolios=port.st, initEq = initEq)
# > applyStrategy(strategy=strategy.st, portfolios=port.st, initEq = initEq)
# [1] "2015-03-01 19:00:00 SPY 118 @ 211.990005"
# [1] "2015-03-03 19:00:00 SPY 118 @ 210.229996"
# [1] "2015-05-25 20:00:00 SPY 117 @ 210.699997"
# [1] "2015-10-21 20:00:00 SPY 119 @ 205.210007"
# [1] "2015-11-09 19:00:00 SPY 119 @ 208.559998"
# [1] "2015-12-02 19:00:00 SPY 119 @ 205.610001"
# [1] "2016-03-08 19:00:00 SPY 116 @ 199.380005"
# [1] "2016-04-05 20:00:00 SPY 119 @ 206.419998"
# [1] "2016-04-07 20:00:00 SPY 55 @ 204.5"
# [1] "2016-11-27 19:00:00 SPY -1000 @ 220.479996"
# [1] "2016-12-01 19:00:00 SPY 129 @ 219.679993"
# [1] "2016-12-07 19:00:00 SPY -129 @ 225.149994"
# [1] "2016-12-28 19:00:00 SPY 127 @ 224.350006"
# [1] "2017-01-09 19:00:00 SPY 126 @ 226.460007"
# [1] "2017-01-12 19:00:00 SPY 126 @ 227.050003"
# [1] "2017-01-17 19:00:00 SPY 126 @ 226.75"
# [1] "2017-01-30 19:00:00 SPY 126 @ 227.529999"
# [1] "2017-02-13 19:00:00 SPY -631 @ 233.699997"
# [1] "2017-03-14 20:00:00 SPY 125 @ 238.949997"
# [1] "2017-03-19 20:00:00 SPY 124 @ 236.770004"
# [1] "2017-04-30 20:00:00 SPY 124 @ 238.679993"
# [1] "2017-05-14 20:00:00 SPY 124 @ 240.300003"
# [1] "2017-05-17 20:00:00 SPY 124 @ 236.770004"
# [1] "2017-06-04 20:00:00 SPY -621 @ 243.990005"
# [1] "2017-06-18 20:00:00 SPY 125 @ 244.660004"
# [1] "2017-06-20 20:00:00 SPY 125 @ 242.949997"
# [1] "2017-08-10 20:00:00 SPY 125 @ 244.119995"
# [1] "2017-09-05 20:00:00 SPY 124 @ 246.899994"
# [1] "2017-09-21 20:00:00 SPY 124 @ 249.440002"
tradeStats(port.st, "SPY")
# Portfolio Symbol Num.Txns Num.Trades Net.Trading.PL Avg.Trade.PL Med.Trade.PL Largest.Winner Largest.Loser Gross.Profits Gross.Losses Std.Dev.Trade.PL Std.Err.Trade.PL Percent.Positive Percent.Negative Profit.Factor
# SPY RSI SPY 29 4 24581.97 5548.314 4063.635 13360.36 0 22193.25 0 5460.273 2730.136 100 0 NA
# Avg.Win.Trade Med.Win.Trade Avg.Losing.Trade Med.Losing.Trade Avg.Daily.PL Med.Daily.PL Std.Dev.Daily.PL Std.Err.Daily.PL Ann.Sharpe Max.Drawdown Profit.To.Max.Draw Avg.WinLoss.Ratio Med.WinLoss.Ratio Max.Equity Min.Equity
# SPY 5548.314 4063.635 NaN NA 5548.314 4063.635 5460.273 2730.136 16.13047 -19148.87 1.28373 NA NA 24946.23 -18349.48
# End.Equity
# SPY 24581.97
Çıktıda, stratejide en fazla 1000 birim (uzun) olduğunu görebilirsiniz. Ve uzun bir sinyal verildiğinde, her bir ticaret mevcut hisse senedinin% 25'i kadardır.