2016-04-12 37 views

Şu anda okul için topçu oyunu üzerinde çalışıyorum. Son birkaç gündür yıkıcı bir arazi oluşturmak için çalıştım ama nasıl uygulayacağımı bilmiyorum. Ben öyle olsun ki, topçu kabuğu her yere bir krater oluşturur. Yeni bir göz seti için zamanını anladım. İşte kod.Pygame: Yıkılabilir arazi nasıl oluşturulur?

import sys, time, random, math, pygame 
    from pygame.locals import * 
    from MyLibrary import * 

    class Terrain(): 
     def __init__(self, min_height, max_height, total_points): 
      self.min_height = min_height 
      self.max_height = max_height 
     self.total_points = total_points+1 
     self.grid_size = 800/total_points 
     self.height_map = list() 

    def generate(self): 
     #clear list 
     if len(self.height_map)>0: 
      for n in range(self.total_points): 

     #first point 
     last_x = 0 
     last_height = (self.max_height + self.min_height)/2 
     direction = 1 
     run_length = 0 

     #remaining points 
     for n in range(1, self.total_points): 
      rand_dist = random.randint(1, 10) * direction 
      height = last_height + rand_dist 
      if height < self.min_height: direction = -1 
      elif height > self.max_height: direction = 1 
      last_height = height 
      if run_length <= 0: 
       run_length = random.randint(1,3) 
       direction = random.randint(1,2) 
       if direction == 2: direction = -1 
       run_length -= 1 

    def get_height(self,x): 
     x_point = int(x/self.grid_size) 
     return self.height_map[x_point] 

    def draw(self, surface): 
     global player_firing 
     last_x = 0 
     for n in range(1, self.total_points): 
      #draw circle at current point 
      height = 600 - self.height_map[n] 
      x_pos = int(n * self.grid_size) 
      pos = (x_pos, height) 
      color = (255,255,255) 
      #pygame.draw.circle(surface, color, pos, 4, 1) 
      if n == grid_point: 
       pygame.draw.circle(surface, (0,255,0), pos, 4, 0) 
      #draw line from previous point 
      last_height = 600 - self.height_map[n-1] 
      last_pos = (last_x, last_height) 
      pygame.draw.line(surface, color, last_pos, pos, 2) 
      last_x = x_pos 

# this function initializes the game 
def game_init(): 
    global screen, backbuffer, font, timer, crosshair, crosshair_group, terrain 

    screen = pygame.display.set_mode((800,600)) 
    backbuffer = pygame.Surface((800,600)) 
    pygame.display.set_caption("Artillery Gunner Game") 
    font = pygame.font.Font(None, 30) 
    timer = pygame.time.Clock() 

    #create terrain 
    terrain = Terrain(50, 400, 100) 

# this function initializes the audio system 
def audio_init(): 
    global shoot_sound, boom_sound 

    #initialize the audio mixer 

    #load sound files 
    shoot_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound("shoot.wav") 
    boom_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound("boom.wav") 

# this function uses any available channel to play a sound clip 
def play_sound(sound): 
    channel = pygame.mixer.find_channel(True) 

# these functions draw a cannon at the specified position 
def draw_player_cannon(surface,position): 
    #draw turret 
    turret_color = (30,180,30) 
    start_x = position.x + 15 
    start_y = position.y + 15 
    start_pos = (start_x, start_y) 
    vel = angular_velocity(wrap_angle(player_cannon_angle-90)) 
    end_pos = (start_x + vel.x * 30, start_y + vel.y * 30) 
    pygame.draw.line(surface, turret_color, start_pos, end_pos, 6) 
    #draw body 
    body_color = (30,220,30) 
    rect = Rect(position.x, position.y+15, 30, 15) 
    pygame.draw.rect(surface, body_color, rect, 0) 
    pygame.draw.circle(surface, body_color, (position.x+15,position.y+15), 15, 0) 

def draw_computer_cannon(surface,position): 
    #draw turret 
    turret_color = (180,30,30) 
    start_x = position.x + 15 
    start_y = position.y + 15 
    start_pos = (start_x, start_y) 
    vel = angular_velocity(wrap_angle(computer_cannon_angle-90)) 
    end_pos = (start_x + vel.x * 30, start_y + vel.y * 30) 
    pygame.draw.line(surface, turret_color, start_pos, end_pos, 6) 
    #draw body 
    body_color = (220,30,30) 
    rect = Rect(position.x, position.y+15, 30, 15) 
    pygame.draw.rect(surface, body_color, rect, 0) 
    pygame.draw.circle(surface, body_color, (position.x+15,position.y+15), 15, 0) 

#main program begins 
game_over = False 
player_score = 0 
enemy_score = 0 
last_time = 0 
mouse_x = mouse_y = 0 
grid_point = 0 
player_score = computer_score = 0 
player_cannon_position = Point(0,0) 
player_cannon_angle = 45 
player_cannon_power = 8.0 
computer_cannon_position = Point(0,0) 
computer_cannon_angle = 315 
computer_cannon_power = 8.0 
player_firing = False 
player_shell_position = Point(0,0) 
player_shell_velocity = Point(0,0) 
computer_firing = False 
computer_shell_position = Point(0,0) 
computer_shell_velocity = Point(0,0) 
white = 255,255,255 
#main loop 
while True: 
    ticks = pygame.time.get_ticks() 

    #event section 
    for event in pygame.event.get(): 
     if event.type == QUIT: sys.exit() 
     elif event.type == MOUSEMOTION: 
      mouse_x,mouse_y = event.pos 
     elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP: 

    #get key states 
    keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() 
    if keys[K_ESCAPE]: sys.exit() 

    elif keys[K_UP] or keys[K_w]: 
     player_cannon_angle = wrap_angle(player_cannon_angle - 1) 

    elif keys[K_DOWN] or keys[K_s]: 
     player_cannon_angle = wrap_angle(player_cannon_angle + 1) 

    elif keys[K_RIGHT] or keys[K_d]: 
     if player_cannon_power <= 10.0: 
      player_cannon_power += 0.1 

    elif keys[K_LEFT] or keys[K_a]: 
     if player_cannon_power > 0.0: 
      player_cannon_power -= 0.1 

    if keys[K_SPACE]: 
     if not player_firing: 
      player_firing = True 
      angle = wrap_angle(player_cannon_angle - 90) 
      player_shell_velocity = angular_velocity(angle) 
      player_shell_velocity.x *= player_cannon_power 
      player_shell_velocity.y *= player_cannon_power 
      player_shell_position = player_cannon_position 
      player_shell_position.x += 15 
      player_shell_position.y += 15 

    #update section 
    if not game_over: 

     #keep turret inside a reasonable range 
     if player_cannon_angle > 180: 
      if player_cannon_angle < 270: player_cannon_angle = 270 
     elif player_cannon_angle <= 180: 
      if player_cannon_angle > 90: player_cannon_angle = 90 

     #calculate mouse position on terrain 
     grid_point = int(mouse_x/terrain.grid_size) 

     if ticks > last_time + 60000: 
      last_time = ticks 

     #move player shell 
     if player_firing: 
      player_shell_position.x += player_shell_velocity.x 
      player_shell_position.y += player_shell_velocity.y 

      #has shell hit terrain? 
      height = 600 - terrain.get_height(player_shell_position.x) 
      if player_shell_position.y > height: 
       player_firing = False 

      if player_shell_velocity.y < 10.0: 
       player_shell_velocity.y += 0.1 

      #has shell gone off the screen?    
      if player_shell_position.x < 0 or player_shell_position.x > 800: 
       player_firing = False 
      if player_shell_position.y < 0 or player_shell_position.y > 600: 
       player_firing = False 

     #move computer shell 
     if computer_firing: 
      computer_shell_position.x += computer_shell_velocity.x 
      computer_shell_position.y += computer_shell_velocity.y 

      #has shell hit terrain? 
      height = 600 - terrain.get_height(computer_shell_position.x) 
      if computer_shell_position.y > height: 
       computer_firing = False 

      if computer_shell_velocity.y < 10.0: 
       computer_shell_velocity.y += 0.1 

      #has shell gone off the screen? 
      if computer_shell_position.x < 0 or computer_shell_position.x > 800: 
       computer_firing = False 
      if computer_shell_position.y < 0 or computer_shell_position.y > 600: 
       computer_firing = False 
      #is the computer ready to fire? 
      computer_firing = True 
      computer_cannon_power = random.randint(1,10) 
      angle = wrap_angle(computer_cannon_angle - 90) 
      computer_shell_velocity = angular_velocity(angle) 
      computer_shell_velocity.x *= computer_cannon_power 
      computer_shell_velocity.y *= computer_cannon_power 
      computer_shell_position = computer_cannon_position 
      computer_shell_position.x += 15 
      computer_shell_position.y += 15 

     #look for a hit by player's shell 
     if player_firing: 

      dist = distance(player_shell_position, computer_cannon_position) 
      if dist < 30: 
       player_score += 1 
       player_firing = False 

     #look for a hit by computer's shell 
     if computer_firing: 
      dist = distance(computer_shell_position, player_cannon_position) 
      if dist < 30: 
       computer_score += 1 
       computer_firing = False 

    #drawing section 

    #draw the terrain 

    #draw player's gun 
    y = 600 - terrain.get_height(70+15) - 20 
    player_cannon_position = Point(70,y) 
    draw_player_cannon(backbuffer, player_cannon_position) 

    #draw computer's gun 
    y = 600 - terrain.get_height(700+15) - 20 
    computer_cannon_position = Point(700,y) 
    draw_computer_cannon(backbuffer, computer_cannon_position) 

    #draw player's shell 
    if player_firing: 
     x = int(player_shell_position.x) 
     y = int(player_shell_position.y) 
     pygame.draw.circle(backbuffer, (20,230,20), (x,y), 4, 0) 

    #draw computer's shell 
    if computer_firing: 
     x = int(computer_shell_position.x) 
     y = int(computer_shell_position.y) 
     pygame.draw.circle(backbuffer, (230,20,20), (x,y), 4, 0) 

    #draw the back buffer 

    screen.blit(backbuffer, (0,0)) 

    if not game_over: 
     print_text(font, 0, 0, "SCORE " + str(player_score)) 
     print_text(font, 0, 20, "ANGLE " + "{:.1f}".format(player_cannon_angle)) 
     print_text(font, 0, 40, "POWER " + "{:.2f}".format(player_cannon_power)) 
     if player_firing: 
      print_text(font, 0, 60, "FIRING") 

     print_text(font, 650, 0, "SCORE " + str(computer_score)) 
     print_text(font, 650, 20, "ANGLE " + "{:.1f}".format(computer_cannon_angle)) 
     print_text(font, 650, 40, "POWER " + "{:.2f}".format(computer_cannon_power)) 
     if computer_firing: 
      print_text(font, 650, 60, "FIRING") 

     print_text(font, 0, 580, "CURSOR " + str(Point(mouse_x,mouse_y)) + \ 
      ", GRID POINT " + str(grid_point) + ", HEIGHT " + \ 
     print_text(font, 0, 0, "GAME OVER") 


Yanıt verirseniz, neden çalıştığını açıklayın, böylece neden ve nasıl olduğunu anlayabiliyorum.



Arazi sınıfında, bir liste var self.hitpoints = []. Füzenin zemine vurup vurmadığını kontrol eden kodda, bir füze bunu yaptığında, noktayı araziler listesine ekleyin.

if self.hitpoints: 
    for hit in self.hitpoints: 
     background.blit(crater image, (hit)) 

Ayrıca ben o zaman çok yinelenen kod olmazdı sınıflara kuleleri yapma öneririm, ve yazabilir:

player = Turret() 
computer = Turret() 
arazi güncellemede bir döngü var