2016-04-10 46 views

dosya. srt (altyazı) dosyanın içeriği aşağıdaki gibidir:R: SRT saati ayıklama (alt) ı alt başlıkta</strong> her satırın <strong>konuşma hızını hesaplamak gerekir

00:00:19,000 --> 00:00:21,989 
I'm Annita McVeigh and welcome to Election Today where we'll bring you 

00:00:22,000 --> 00:00:23,989 
the latest from the campaign trail, plus debate and analysis. 

00:00:24,000 --> 00:00:28,989 
The Liberal Democrats promise to protect the pay of millions 

, bu 10 kelime söylemek 4 saniye 989 milisaniye alır "Liberal Demokratlar milyonlarca ödeme korumak için söz" . Bu 10 kelimenin ortalama konuşma hızı, kelime başına 498,9 milisaniyedir. Ben startTime, endTime, textString ve aşağıdaki gibi satırlar olarak sütun ve altyazı hatları gibi wordCount ile dataframe olabilir böylece

nasıl srt dosyasını okunur? Ben R endTime dan startTime çıkarma nasıl

startTime<-c("00:00:19,000", "00:00:22,000", "00:00:24,000") 

endTime<-c("00:00:21,989", "00:00:23,989", "00:00:28,989") 

textString<-c("I'm Annita McVeigh and welcome to Election Today where we'll bring you", "the latest from the campaign trail, plus debate and analysis.", "The Liberal Democrats promise to protect the pay of millions") 


rate.df<-data.frame(startTime, endTime, textString, wordCount) 

, zaman saatte şeklinde sunulduğunda: dakika: saniye, milisaniye?


MS Excel kullanarak görev bilmiştir, ama Excel kullanmaya çok fazla veri var bu görev için. – Ninjacat



İşte muhtemel çözüm (kod oldukça açıktır):


00:00:19,000 --> 00:00:21,989 
I'm Annita McVeigh and welcome to Election Today where we'll bring you 

00:00:22,000 --> 00:00:23,989 
the latest from the campaign trail, 
plus debate 
and analysis. 

00:00:24,000 --> 00:00:28,989 
The Liberal Democrats promise to protect 
the pay of millions" 

lines <- readLines(con) 

# the previous lines of code are just to replicate you case, and 
# they should be replaced by the following single line in the real case 
# lines <- readLines(srtFileName) 

listOfEntries <- 
    block <- lines[blockIdx] 
    block <- block[!grepl("^\\s*$",block)] 
    if(length(block) == 0){ 
    if(length(block) < 3){ 
     warning("a block not respecting srt standards has been found") 
         stringsAsFactors = FALSE)) 
m <- do.call(rbind,listOfEntries) 

# split start and end times 
tmp <- do.call(rbind,strsplit(m[,'times'],' --> ')) 
m$startTime <- tmp[,1] 
m$endTime <- tmp[,2] 

# parse times 
tmp <- do.call(rbind,lapply(strsplit(m$startTime,':|,'),as.numeric)) 
m$fromSeconds <- tmp %*% c(60*60,60,1,1/1000) 

tmp <- do.call(rbind,lapply(strsplit(m$endTime,':|,'),as.numeric)) 
m$toSeconds <- tmp %*% c(60*60,60,1,1/1000) 

# compute time difference in seconds 
m$timeDiffInSecs <- m$toSeconds - m$fromSeconds 

# word count 
m$wordCount <- vapply(gregexpr("\\W+",m$textString),length,0) + 1 

# or if you consider "I'm" a single word you can remove the occurrencies of ', e.g. : 
#m$wordCount <- vapply(gregexpr("\\W+",gsub("'","",m$textString)),length,0) + 1 

m$millisecsPerWord <- m$timeDiffInSecs * 1000/m$wordCount 


> m 
    id       times                textString 
2 1 00:00:19,000 --> 00:00:21,989 I'm Annita McVeigh and welcome to Election Today where we'll bring you 
3 2 00:00:22,000 --> 00:00:23,989  the latest from the campaign trail, \nplus debate \nand analysis. 
6 3 00:00:24,000 --> 00:00:28,989   The Liberal Democrats promise to protect \nthe pay of millions 
    startTime  endTime fromSeconds toSeconds timeDiffInSecs wordCount millisecsPerWord 
2 00:00:19,000 00:00:21,989   19 21.989   2.989  14   213.5000 
3 00:00:22,000 00:00:23,989   22 23.989   1.989  11   180.8182 
6 00:00:24,000 00:00:28,989   24 28.989   4.989  10   498.9000 

Oh. Bu harika! Çok teşekkür ederim, DigEmAll! Kodlar sadece güzel! – Ninjacat


Çok teşekkürler, @digemall – Ninjacat