2016-03-28 28 views

Linux'ta VMware perl sdk kullanarak bir kümeyle ilgili tüm veri depolarının adı, Kapasite alanı, dunesId listelenmesi mümkün müdür?VMware perl sdk ile küme veri kümeleri nasıl alınır?

ComputeResource'u almak için Vim::find_entity_views'u kullanmayı deneyin ve bunların Özellikler: datastore, host olduğunu bilin.


'baskı qx (df)' in veri deposu listesini almak mümkün? – mob



Evet onun bir küme

my $cluster_view = Vim::find_entity_view(view_type => 'ClusterComputeResource', 
              filter => { name => $cluster_name }); 
########## Error trap: verify if the cluster_view variable was set in the previous command 
##########    if it was not set, the Cluster Name is incorrect 
if (!$cluster_view) { 
    die "\nERROR: '" . $cluster_name . "' was not found in the VMware Infrastructure\n\n"; 

########## Print the table header 
print "\n"; 
print "|--------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n"; 
print "| VMware Cluster: " . $cluster_view->name . "\n"; 
print "|--------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n"; 

########## Get a view of the ESX Hosts in the specified Cluster 
my $host_views = Vim::find_entity_views(view_type => 'HostSystem', 
             begin_entity => $cluster_view); 

foreach (@$host_views) { 
#  print "\n", $_->name; 
     print "\n|--------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n"; 
     print "| Datastore in ESXI Host(s) in " . $_->name . "\n"; 
     print "|--------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n"; 
     print "\n"; 
     my $datastores = Vim::get_views(mo_ref_array => $_->datastore); 
     foreach(@$datastores) { 
       print "\n" . $_->summary->name; 