Bu şekilde yapabilirsiniz:
' UnZip 1 file from a zip file:
Function entUnZip1File(ByVal strZipFilename, ByVal strDstDir, _
ByVal strFilename)
Const glngcCopyHereDisplayProgressBox = 256
Dim intOptions, objShell, objSource, objTarget
' Create the required Shell objects
Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
' Create a reference to the files and folders in the ZIP file
Set objSource = _
' Create a reference to the target folder
Set objTarget = objShell.NameSpace(strDstDir)
intOptions = glngcCopyHereDisplayProgressBox
' UnZIP the files
objTarget.CopyHere objSource, intOptions
' Release the objects
Set objSource = Nothing
Set objTarget = Nothing
Set objShell = Nothing
entUnZip1File = 1
End Function
Ve makro C dosyayı ayıklamak için işlevini çağırmak herhangi bir yerde: \ temp dizinine veya onun yerine C herhangi bir hedef klasöre: \ temp:
entUnZip1File "C:\archive1.zip", "C:\temp", "folderlevel1/folderlevel2/folderlevel3/Myfile.csv"
bakınız burada örnek 2: http://www.rondebruin.nl/win/s7/win002.htm –