2016-04-13 33 views

başlık olarak, oyuncu oyun nesnesi yok edildiğinde oyun duraklayacak ve bir ekran açacak (böylece bir tane yaptım) GameOverScreen), bununla birlikte, kafamı buralara çekemiyorum. Ekran görüntülenir, ancak oyun duraklamaz. Buna neyin sebep olabileceği hakkında bir fikrin var mı? Hala çalışmıyorsaUnity: Oyuncunun nesnesi yıkıldıktan sonra oyunu duraklatmak

void OnPauseGame() 


if (gameover) { 
    Time.timeScale = 0; 
    Time.timeScale = 1; 

yanındaki bu ekleyin: en, sadece eğer Öncelikle

using UnityEngine; 
using UnityEngine.UI; 

public class PlayerHealth : MonoBehaviour 
    public float m_StartingHealth = 100f;    // The amount of health each tank starts with. 

    public Slider m_Slider;        // The slider to represent how much health the tank currently has. 

    public Image m_FillImage;       // The image component of the slider. 

    public Color m_FullHealthColor = Color.green;  // The color the health bar will be when on full health. 

    public Color m_ZeroHealthColor = Color.red;   // The color the health bar will be when on no health. 

    public GameObject m_ExplosionPrefab;    // A prefab that will be instantiated in Awake, then used whenever the tank dies. 

    public Camera mainCamera; 

    public Camera gameOverCamera; 

    public GameObject GameOverMenu; 

    private bool gameover = false; 
    private AudioSource m_ExplosionAudio;    // The audio source to play when the tank explodes. 
    private ParticleSystem m_ExplosionParticles;  // The particle system the will play when the tank is destroyed. 
    private float m_CurrentHealth;      // How much health the tank currently has. 
    private bool m_Dead;        // Has the tank been reduced beyond zero health yet? 

    void Start() 

    private void Awake() 
     // Instantiate the explosion prefab and get a reference to the particle system on it. 
     m_ExplosionParticles = Instantiate(m_ExplosionPrefab).GetComponent<ParticleSystem>(); 

     // Get a reference to the audio source on the instantiated prefab. 
     m_ExplosionAudio = m_ExplosionParticles.GetComponent<AudioSource>(); 

     // Disable the prefab so it can be activated when it's required. 

    private void OnEnable() 
     // When the tank is enabled, reset the tank's health and whether or not it's dead. 
     m_CurrentHealth = m_StartingHealth; 
     m_Dead = false; 

     // Update the health slider's value and color. 

    public void TakeDamage(float amount) 
     // Reduce current health by the amount of damage done. 
     m_CurrentHealth -= amount; 

     // Change the UI elements appropriately. 

     // If the current health is at or below zero and it has not yet been registered, call OnDeath. 
     if (m_CurrentHealth <= 0f && !m_Dead) 
       gameover = !gameover; 

      if (gameover) 
       Time.timeScale = 0; 

      if (!gameover) 
       Time.timeScale = 1; 
      mainCamera.transform.parent = null; 
      mainCamera.enabled = true; 
      gameOverCamera.enabled = false; 


    private void SetHealthUI() 
     // Set the slider's value appropriately. 
     m_Slider.value = m_CurrentHealth; 

     // Interpolate the color of the bar between the choosen colours based on the current percentage of the starting health. 
     m_FillImage.color = Color.Lerp(m_ZeroHealthColor, m_FullHealthColor, m_CurrentHealth/m_StartingHealth); 

    private void OnDeath() 
     // Set the flag so that this function is only called once. 
     m_Dead = true; 

     // Move the instantiated explosion prefab to the tank's position and turn it on. 
     m_ExplosionParticles.transform.position = transform.position; 

     // Play the particle system of the tank exploding. 

     // Play the tank explosion sound effect. 

     // Turn the tank off. 

"GameOverMenu" kullanmak ilk harfi de küçük harf GEREKIR, 'gameOverMenu' – Fattie


sadece yeni sahnede gameover ekran yüklemeniz gerekir. kod gerektirmez –



, iki gerekmez: İşte benim kodudur ve sonra ekleyin:

void Update(){ 
    if(Time.timeScale == 0)return; 

t gibi hassas bir kayan değer ayarla Bir olay üzerine oyunu durdurun Bence onun,

Time.timeScale = 0.0f; 

kolay yolu Konsol'da 'Hata Durdur' düğmesini kullanın gitmektir. Tabii ki bir hata üretmeniz gerekecek ama bu kolay. Sadece

Debug.LogError("Game Paused"); 

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