2016-03-14 63 views

Relay uyumlu GraphQL şemasına sahip bir node.js sunucusu kurmaya çalışıyorum. Edge.node alan türü Çıkış Türü olmalıdır, ancak: undefined

doğrulanmasına veya aşağıdaki hatayı alıyorum şemayı yüklemeye çalışırken:

EventEdge.node field type must be Output Type but got: undefined.

Bu, diğer tip tanımları birinde Olay türü için bir bağlantı türüne sahip kaynaklanır.

Tüm şemayı göndermeyeceğim çünkü oldukça ayrıntılıdır, ancak bağlantı alanı yorumlandığında şema düzgün yüklenir ve hiçbir hata atılmaz. Ona atama önce EventType bir başvuru yaptık

const graphql  = require('graphql') 
    const relay   = require('graphql-relay') 

    const GraphQLID   = graphql.GraphQLID, 
     GraphQLInt  = graphql.GraphQLInt, 
     GraphQLString  = graphql.GraphQLString, 
     GraphQLList  = graphql.GraphQLList, 
     GraphQLObjectType = graphql.GraphQLObjectType, 
     GraphQLSchema  = graphql.GraphQLSchema, 
     GraphQLNonNull = graphql.GraphQLNonNull 

    const connectionArgs    = relay.connectionArgs, 
     connectionDefinitions  = relay.connectionDefinitions, 
     connectionFromArray   = relay.connectionFromArray, 
     cursorForObjectInConnection = relay.cursorForObjectInConnection, 
     fromGlobalId     = relay.fromGlobalId, 
     globalIdField    = relay.globalIdField, 
     mutationWithClientMutationId = relay.mutationWithClientMutationId, 
     nodeDefinitions    = relay.nodeDefinitions, 
     toGlobalId     = relay.toGlobalId 

    // Models (ORM Mappings) 
    const models = require('../models') 

    // Model handlers 
    const handlers = require('../models/handlers') 

    * Relay Node Definition: 
    * {nodeInterface, nodeField} = nodeDefinitions 

    var nodeDefinition = nodeDefinitions(
    (globalId) => { 
     // {type, id} = fromGlobalId(globalId) 
     const gid = fromGlobalId(globalId); 

     switch (gid.type) { 
     case 'User': 
     return handlers.getUser(id) 

     // case 'Event': 
     // return handlers.getEvent(id) 
     // case 'Club': 
     // return handlers.getClub(id) 

     return null 

    (obj) => { 
     switch (true) { 
     case (obj instanceof models.User): 
      return UserType 

     // case (obj instanceof models.Club): 
     // return ClubType 
     // case (obj instanceof models.Event): 
     // return EventType 

      return null 

    * Relay Connections 
    * { connectionType, edgeType } = connectionDefinitions({nodeType: LoremType}) 

    // User Connection 
    // const usersConnection = connectionDefinitions({name: 'User', nodeType: UserType}) 

    // Event Connection 
    const eventsConnection = connectionDefinitions({name: 'Event', nodeType: EventType}) 

    // Club Connection 
    // const clubsConnection = connectionDefinitions({name: 'Club', nodeType: ClubType}) 

    * GraphQL Type Definitions 

    * User Type 
    * type User : Object { 
    *  id: String! 
    *  first_name: String 
    *  last_name: String 
    *  friends: [User] 
    * } 

    var UserType = new GraphQLObjectType({ 
    name: 'User', 
    description: 'A user of the app.', 
    fields:() => ({ 
     id: globalIdField('User'), 
     events: { 
     type: eventsConnection.connectionType, 
     description: 'User\'s events.', 
     args: connectionArgs, 
     resolve: (user, args) => connectionFromArray(getEvents(), args) 
    interfaces: [nodeDefinition.nodeInterface] 

    ** Event Type 
    * type Event : Object { 
    *  id: String! 
    *  title: String 
    *  description: String 
    *  datetime: Int 
    *  location: [Int] 
    *  managers: [User] 
    *  club: Club 
    *  members: [User] 
    * } 

    var EventType = new GraphQLObjectType({ 
    name: 'Event', 
    description: 'An event in the app.', 
    fields:() => ({ 
     id: globalIdField('Event'), 
     name: { 
     type: GraphQLString, 
     description: 'Event\'s name.', 
     resolve: event => event.get('name') 
    interfaces: [nodeDefinition.nodeInterface] 

    * Relay Mutation Definitions 

    * Root Schema Definitions 

    ** Root Query 
    * type Query { 
    *  user(id: String!): User 
    *  club(id: String!): Club 
    *  event(id: String!): Event 
    * } 

    var QueryType = new GraphQLObjectType({ 
    name: 'Query', 
    fields:() => ({ 
     node: nodeDefinition.nodeField, 
     user: { 
     type: UserType, 
     resolve:() => handlers.getUser() 

    ** Root Schema 
    * type Schema { 
    *  query: Query 
    *  mutation: Mutation 
    * } 

    var Schema = new GraphQLSchema({ 
    query: QueryType 

    module.exports = Schema 




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