Ben bir öncelik sırasının bir uygulama bulamadı, bu yüzden devam ettim ve kendi yaptı. Ne kadar sağlam olduğundan emin değilim, ama umarım başkalarına doğru yönde işaret edebilir.
// PriorityQueue.h
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "comparable.h"
//Implements a priority queue. All objects in queue must implement the comparable protocol and must be all of the same type. The queue can be explicity typed at initialization, otherwise the type of the first object entered will be the type of the queue
@interface PriorityQueue : NSObject{
NSMutableArray *queue;
Class type;
- (id)init;
- (id)initWithObjects:(NSSet *)objects;
- (id)initWithCapacity:(int)capacity;
- (id)initWithCapacity:(int)capacity andType:(Class)oType; //Queue will reject objects not of that type
#pragma mark - Useful information
- (BOOL)isEmpty;
- (BOOL)contains:(id<comparable, NSObject>)object;
- (Class)typeOfAllowedObjects; //Returns the type of objects allowed to be stored in the queue
- (int) size;
#pragma mark - Mutation
- (void)clear;
- (BOOL)add:(id<comparable, NSObject>)object;
- (void)remove:(id<comparable, NSObject>)object;
#pragma mark - Getting things out
- (id)peek;
- (id)poll;
- (id)objectMatchingObject:(id<comparable, NSObject>)object;
- (NSArray *)toArray;
#pragma mark -
- (void)print;
// PriorityQueue.m
#import "PriorityQueue.h"
@implementation PriorityQueue
#pragma mark - Initialization
- (id)init{
return [self initWithCapacity:INITIAL_CAPACITY andType:nil];
- (id)initWithObjects:(NSSet *)objects{
self = [self initWithCapacity:INITIAL_CAPACITY andType:nil];
for (id<comparable, NSObject>object in objects){
[self add:object];
return self;
- (id)initWithCapacity:(int)capacity{
return [self initWithCapacity:capacity andType:nil];
- (id)initWithCapacity:(int)capacity andType:(Class)oType{
self = [super init];
queue = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
type = oType;
return self;
#pragma mark - Useful information
- (BOOL)isEmpty{
if(queue.count == 0){
return YES;
else{ return NO;}
- (BOOL)contains:(id<comparable, NSObject>)object{
//Search the array to see if the object is already there
for(id<comparable> o in queue){
if([o isEqual:object]){
return YES;
return NO;
- (Class)typeOfAllowedObjects{
NSLog(@"Allowed Types: %@", type);
return type;
- (int) size{
return [queue count];
#pragma mark - Mutation
- (void)clear{
[queue removeAllObjects];
//A "greater" object (compareTo returns 1) is at the end of the queue.
- (BOOL)add:(id<comparable, NSObject>)object{
//Make sure the object's type is the same as the type of the queue
if(type == nil){
// NSLog(@"Type is nil");
type = [object class];
if([object class] != type){
NSLog(@"ERROR: Trying to add incorrect object");
return NO;
if([queue count] == 0){
[queue addObject:object];
return YES;
for(int i = 0; i < [queue count]; i++){
if([object compareTo:queue[i]] < 0){
[queue insertObject:object atIndex:i];
return YES;
[queue addObject:object];
return YES;
- (void)remove:(id<comparable, NSObject>)object{
[queue removeObject:object];
#pragma mark - Getting things out
- (id)peek{
return queue[0];
- (id)poll{
//Get the object at the front
id head = queue[0];
//Remove and return that object
[queue removeObject:head];
return head;
- (id)objectMatchingObject:(id<comparable, NSObject>)object{
//Search the array to see if the object is already there
for(id<comparable> o in queue){
if([o isEqual:object]){
return o;
return nil;
- (NSArray *)toArray{
return [[NSArray alloc] initWithArray:queue];
#pragma mark -
- (NSString *)description{
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"PriorityQueue: %@ allows objects of type %@", queue, type];
- (void)print{
NSLog(@"%@", [self description]);
Comparable.h Mike C++ STD öncelik sırası hedefi-Cı sarıcı uygular
// comparable.h
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
//NOTE: Class must check to make sure it is the same class as whatever is passed in
@protocol comparable
- (int)compareTo:(id<comparable, NSObject>)object;
- (BOOL)isEqual:(id<comparable, NSObject>)object;
: Bu uygulamayla
/Conceptual/ConcurrencyProgrammingGuide/Introduction/Introduction.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40008091 –
"indexOfObjectPassingTest" ile aranan bir NSMutableArray gibi görünüyor, oldukça iyi çalışır. –
NSOperationQueue aradığınız gibi görünüyor. – DiegoMax