2015-06-30 9 views

Android projemde "... çevrilmiyor ... [MissingTranslation]" hatası var. Google tarafından arama yaptım bir şey abortOnError false olarak çalışır ve lintOptions hakkında bir belge.Android için gradle lintOptions belgesi nasıl bulunur?

Ancak, tüm tiftik hatalarını yok saymak istemiyorum, bu nedenle Eclipse tarafından oluşturulan xml'yi lintConfig file("default-lint.xml") olarak kopyaladım ve çalışıyor.
lint.xml dosyasında ayarlanabilen tüm lint seçenekleriyle ilgili belgeyi nerede bulabilirim? herhangi bir yardım Burada



Here mevcut tüm seçenekler (orijinal kaynak here) böyle lint.xml yoluyla bastırmak edebilirsiniz şunlardır: `

<!-- Ignore the ObsoleteLayoutParam issue in the given files --> 
<issue id="ObsoleteLayoutParam"> 
    <ignore path="res/layout/activation.xml" /> 
    <ignore path="res/layout-xlarge/activation.xml" /> 

<!-- Ignore the UselessLeaf issue in the given file --> 
<issue id="UselessLeaf"> 
    <ignore path="res/layout/main.xml" /> 

<!-- Change the severity of hardcoded strings to "error" --> 
<issue id="HardcodedText" severity="error" /> 




sayesinde tüm Lint sorunları bulabilirsiniz

android { 
    lintOptions { 
     // set to true to turn off analysis progress reporting by lint 
     quiet true 
     // if true, stop the gradle build if errors are found 
     abortOnError false 
     // if true, only report errors 
     ignoreWarnings true 
     // if true, emit full/absolute paths to files with errors (true by default) 
     //absolutePaths true 
     // if true, check all issues, including those that are off by default 
     checkAllWarnings true 
     // if true, treat all warnings as errors 
     warningsAsErrors true 
     // turn off checking the given issue id's 
     disable 'TypographyFractions','TypographyQuotes' 
     // turn on the given issue id's 
     enable 'RtlHardcoded','RtlCompat', 'RtlEnabled' 
     // check *only* the given issue id's 
     check 'NewApi', 'InlinedApi' 
     // if true, don't include source code lines in the error output 
     noLines true 
     // if true, show all locations for an error, do not truncate lists, etc. 
     showAll true 
     // Fallback lint configuration (default severities, etc.) 
     lintConfig file("default-lint.xml") 
     // if true, generate a text report of issues (false by default) 
     textReport true 
     // location to write the output; can be a file or 'stdout' 
     textOutput 'stdout' 
     // if true, generate an XML report for use by for example Jenkins 
     xmlReport false 
     // file to write report to (if not specified, defaults to lint-results.xml) 
     xmlOutput file("lint-report.xml") 
     // if true, generate an HTML report (with issue explanations, sourcecode, etc) 
     htmlReport true 
     // optional path to report (default will be lint-results.html in the builddir) 
     htmlOutput file("lint-report.html") 

     // set to true to have all release builds run lint on issues with severity=fatal 
     // and abort the build (controlled by abortOnError above) if fatal issues are found 
     checkReleaseBuilds true 
     // Set the severity of the given issues to fatal (which means they will be 
     // checked during release builds (even if the lint target is not included) 
     fatal 'NewApi', 'InlineApi' 
     // Set the severity of the given issues to error 
     error 'Wakelock', 'TextViewEdits' 
     // Set the severity of the given issues to warning 
     warning 'ResourceAsColor' 
     // Set the severity of the given issues to ignore (same as disabling the check) 
     ignore 'TypographyQuotes' 

Evet, bunu biliyordum. – Malloc


InlineApi -> InlinedApi – ultraon