2016-03-31 22 views

Bangalore şehrinin otobüs rotalarını google API ile sağlanan yol tutturma özelliği ile oluşturmaya çalışıyorum. Eğer sadece tek bir rota oluşturursam, poligonun strok renk özelliğinden bahsettiğim renkle görülebilir. Eğer rota oldukça uzunsa, o rota için rotayı birden fazla yola bölerim. Ancak, ikinci rotayı eklediğimde, ilk rotanın sonundan ikinci rotanın başlangıcına kadar bir polyline çizilir. Nerede yanlış gideceğimi anlayamıyorum. Herhangi bir yardım derinden takdir edilir. Lütfen aynı javascript kodunu bulun.Yönlendirme özelliği olan farklı renkli çoklu çizgiler yol çizgisi ile nasıl çizilir?

<script type="text/javascript"> 
var infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow(); 
var routePath; 
var OrgDest; 
var OrgDestpoints; 
var wp; 
var waypts; 
var traceroutePath; 
var service; 
var map; 
var marker, markloc; 
var markers = []; 
var orgdest = {"1": [[12.9197565816171, 77.5923588994416,12.95719452, 77.56829549],[12.95719452, 77.56829549,12.98997477, 77.57209867],[12.98997477, 77.57209867,13.02311, 77.55029]],"KHC": [[12.97466107, 77.58199613,12.97466107, 77.58199613]]}; 
var waypoints = {"1":[[12.92268932, 77.59338455,12.92318598, 77.58877168,12.9279596, 77.58760419,12.93610683, 77.58392363,12.93672057, 77.57217014,12.93956243, 77.57215225,12.94189, 77.57358,12.94574241, 77.57070059],[12.95850855, 77.57402561,12.96161187, 77.57527904,12.96366, 77.56843,12.96811874, 77.56800682,12.97736, 77.57074,12.98997477, 77.57209867],[12.98997477, 77.57209867,12.99789013, 77.57130999,13.00908169, 77.5710476,13.01742075, 77.55707759]],"KHC": [[12.98420536, 77.59761828,12.98368012, 77.6035693]]}; 
var routeColors = {"1": "#FF00FF","KHC": "#800000"}; 
var routeNames = ["1","KHC"]; 

function initialize() { 
var mapOptions = { 
     center: new google.maps.LatLng(12.9536775, 77.5883784), 
     zoom: 12 
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map-canvas"),mapOptions); 

    var routeInfoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ // this info window shows the route name when the mouse hovers over a route line 
    disableAutoPan: true 

    for (var i = 0; i < routeNames.length; i++) { // loop over each route 
     var routeName = routeNames[i]; 
     for (var j = 0; j < orgdest[routeName].length; j++) { // loop over each path on the route    
      OrgDest = orgdest[routeName][j]; 
      OrgDestpoints = []    
      for (var k = 0; k < OrgDest.length; k += 2) { // loop over each point in the path 
       OrgDestpoints.push(new google.maps.LatLng(OrgDest[k], OrgDest[k+1])); 
      waypts = []; 
      if(waypoints[routeName].length > 0) 
       wp = waypoints[routeName][j]; 
       for (var k = 0; k < wp.length; k += 2) { // loop over each waypoints in the path 
        {location:new google.maps.LatLng(wp[k], wp[k+1]), 

      if(j>0)// & (j!=(orgdest[routeName].length))) 
       traceroutePath.setMap(null); //clearing previously rendered map 
      if(i>0 & j==0) 
       traceroutePath.setMap(null); //clearing previously rendered map 

      routePath = OrgDestpoints;    
      traceroutePath = new google.maps.Polyline({ 
       path: routePath, 
       strokeColor: routeColors[routeName], 
       strokeOpacity: 1.0, 
       strokeWeight: 2 
      service = new google.maps.DirectionsService(),traceroutePath,snap_path=[]; 
      service.route({origin: routePath[z],destination: routePath[z+1], 
      travelMode: google.maps.DirectionsTravelMode.DRIVING, 
      waypoints: waypts}, 
      function(result, status) { 
       if(status == google.maps.DirectionsStatus.OK) { 
        snap_path = snap_path.concat(result.routes[0].overview_path); 
       } else alert("Directions request failed: "+status);   
     } //end of j for loop; paths to form a route 

    }//end of i for loop; all routes   
    google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize); 



Soruna neden olan iki sorununuz var.

  1. kod araya tarifi taleplerden yolları birleştirerek, yani bir konudur çünkü:

    a. Yol tarifleri servisi senkronize değildir, yollar göndereceğinizden farklı bir sırayla geri gelebilir (tek tek göndermediğiniz sürece).

    b. İstenen yollar sürekli değildir.

for (z = 0; z < routePath.length - 1; z++) { 
     origin: routePath[z], 
     destination: routePath[z + 1], 
     travelMode: google.maps.DirectionsTravelMode.DRIVING, 
     waypoints: waypts 
    function(result, status) { 
     if (status == google.maps.DirectionsStatus.OK) { 
     var snap_path = result.routes[0].overview_path; 
     var traceroutePath = new google.maps.Polyline({ 
      strokeColor: routeColors[routeName], 
      strokeOpacity: 1.0, 
      strokeWeight: 2, 
      map: map 
     } else alert("Directions request failed: " + status); 

proof of concept fiddle

kod parçacığını:

var infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow(); 
var routePath; 
var OrgDest; 
var OrgDestpoints; 
var wp; 
var waypts; 
var traceroutePath; 
var service; 
var map; 
var marker, markloc; 
var markers = []; 
var orgdest = { 
    "1": [ 
    [12.9197565816171, 77.5923588994416, 12.95719452, 77.56829549], 
    [12.95719452, 77.56829549, 12.98997477, 77.57209867], 
    [12.98997477, 77.57209867, 13.02311, 77.55029] 
    "KHC": [ 
    [12.97466107, 77.58199613, 12.97466107, 77.58199613] 
var waypoints = { 
    "1": [ 
    [12.92268932, 77.59338455, 12.92318598, 77.58877168, 12.9279596, 77.58760419, 12.93610683, 77.58392363, 12.93672057, 77.57217014, 12.93956243, 77.57215225, 12.94189, 77.57358, 12.94574241, 77.57070059], 
    [12.95850855, 77.57402561, 12.96161187, 77.57527904, 12.96366, 77.56843, 12.96811874, 77.56800682, 12.97736, 77.57074, 12.98997477, 77.57209867], 
    [12.98997477, 77.57209867, 12.99789013, 77.57130999, 13.00908169, 77.5710476, 13.01742075, 77.55707759] 
    "KHC": [ 
    [12.98420536, 77.59761828, 12.98368012, 77.6035693] 
var routeColors = { 
    "1": "#FF00FF", 
    "KHC": "#800000" 
var routeNames = ["1", "KHC"]; 

function initialize() { 
    var mapOptions = { 
    center: new google.maps.LatLng(12.9536775, 77.5883784), 
    zoom: 12 
    map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map-canvas"), mapOptions); 

    var routeInfoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ // this info window shows the route name when the mouse hovers over a route line 
    disableAutoPan: true 

    for (var i = 0; i < routeNames.length; i++) { // loop over each route 
    var routeName = routeNames[i]; 
    for (var j = 0; j < orgdest[routeName].length; j++) { // loop over each path on the route    
     OrgDest = orgdest[routeName][j]; 
     OrgDestpoints = [] 
     for (var k = 0; k < OrgDest.length; k += 2) { // loop over each point in the path 
     OrgDestpoints.push(new google.maps.LatLng(OrgDest[k], OrgDest[k + 1])); 
     waypts = []; 
     if (waypoints[routeName].length > 0) { 
     wp = waypoints[routeName][j]; 
     for (var k = 0; k < wp.length; k += 2) { // loop over each waypoints in the path 
      location: new google.maps.LatLng(wp[k], wp[k + 1]), 
      stopover: true 

     if (j > 0) // & (j!=(orgdest[routeName].length))) 
     traceroutePath.setMap(null); //clearing previously rendered map 
     if (i > 0 & j == 0) { 
     traceroutePath.setMap(null); //clearing previously rendered map 

     routePath = OrgDestpoints; 
     traceroutePath = new google.maps.Polyline({ 
     path: routePath, 
     strokeColor: routeColors[routeName], 
     strokeOpacity: 1.0, 
     strokeWeight: 2 
     service = new google.maps.DirectionsService(), traceroutePath, snap_path = []; 
     for (z = 0; z < routePath.length - 1; z++) { 
      origin: routePath[z], 
      destination: routePath[z + 1], 
      travelMode: google.maps.DirectionsTravelMode.DRIVING, 
      waypoints: waypts 
      function(result, status) { 
      if (status == google.maps.DirectionsStatus.OK) { 
       var snap_path = result.routes[0].overview_path; 
       var traceroutePath = new google.maps.Polyline({ 
       strokeColor: routeColors[routeName], 
       strokeOpacity: 1.0, 
       strokeWeight: 2, 
       map: map 
      } else alert("Directions request failed: " + status); 
    } //end of j for loop; paths to form a route 

    } //end of i for loop; all routes   
google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);
#map-canvas { 
    height: 100%; 
    width: 100%; 
    margin: 0px; 
    padding: 0px 
<script src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js"></script> 
<div id="map-canvas"></div>